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The Council's estimated cost for these stations are $9.23M for Pokeno, $6.39M for Tuakau, and $7.42M for Te Kauwhata (Page 54 of the agenda for the Future Proof Public Transport Subcommittee 25 Aug 2023 [1]). Those costs include grade separated access to the platforms, and a park and ride facility for Pokeno.

It would be great to see the council push ahead with a low cost option, as you have suggested, in order to get *something* operational within the trial period. A cheap and quick option will be a lot better than one that never comes.

[1] https://waikatorc.sharepoint.com/:b:/s/FutureProofAdministration/EdYgXkweCFpAmnWWgHWPB2UBlaAtRdi2qe_4E_LhsXTNiA?e=Zk46Ko

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